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Global HPV DNA Screening Proficiency Panel 2025 (597)

External quality assessment for laboratories that perform HPV screening.

The scheme is organised by the Global HPV reference laboratories.

Participant laboratories will be asked to perform HPV screening using one or more of their usual HPV screening assays samples in this panel. The panel will evaluate the detection of the major oncogenic HPV types as well as detection of other oncogenic HPV types in groups.

The test material/panel consists of purified whole genomic plasmids of HPV in a background of human cellular DNA. Each sample may contain either no HPV, a single HPV type or a mixture of HPV types at varying concentrations.

Laboratories that have outstanding payments from past Global HPV DNA proficiency panels will need to clear their debts before their registration is accepted.

Swedish laboratories register on our Swedish site. Laboratories from Denmark or Norway: Please contact your national distributor, DEKS (Denmark) or Noklus (Norway), for information on how to register. Laboratories from other countries can send an application to participate as international participants. For EU countries a VAT number must be provided for valid application. For participants outside of the EU, please note N/A in the VAT field.

Registration for participation opens in April 2025.

Only one round scheduled in 2025.


Reports will be sent out by Karolinska Institutet

  • Article number: 597
  • Accreditation:No

Updated 2025-02-27 09:53:09