Participant administration
Participant administration for Equalis' quality assessment schemes
Participants can here make additions to your registration and administer your participation via a number of different forms, such as ordering a new user account, adding and removing instruments and components respectively, reporting late delivery of sample material, etc. Click on the + sign next to each area to read more and to get to the intended form. Please note that some of the forms can not be used if you are registered through a distributor.
Additional user accounts for Equalis Online
When registering to our EQA schemes, one user account for Equalis Online is included. To order additional user accounts (free of charge), please fill in this form. The user account details will be sent to the email addresses entered in the form.
Addition or removal of instruments and component
As a participant you can add or remove instruments and components via the different forms below.
In case of addition of more instrument so that more test material is required, this can be ordered at an extra cost via this form: To order extra test material
Certificate of participation in EQA
To order a certificate of participation in our EQA schemes, please fill in this form. The certificate will be sent by email and is free of charge.
Order extra test material (Not for participants registered through a distributor)
If you participate through a distributor (DEKS, Noklus, Aurevia etc) please contact the distributor instead.
Participants registered at the same address, using the same test material, participate to the basic fee of the EQA scheme. If you require extra test material to perform the examinations included in the EQA scheme, you can order more in this form.
The additional cost of extra test material is 25% of the basic fee of the EQA scheme, see our price list. Please note that in some quality assurance programs extra test material is not possible.
If you need a single extra test material from a specific round, contact the coordinator for the respective program. For contact details, see the instructions.
Change participant details (Not for participants registered through a distributor)
If you participate through a distributor (DEKS, Noklus, Aurevia etc) please contact the distributor instead.
Use this form to change your participant details, such as contact person, recipient of test material, access to EQA schemes for existing user names, etc.
To add additional user names to an existing lab code, please use this form instead.
Report late delivery of test material (Not for participants registered through a distributor)
If you participate through a distributor (DEKS, Noklus, Aurevia etc) please contact the distributor instead.
The test material is dispatched according to our distribution schedule, usually at the beginning of each week. The delivery of test material is planned to be be delivered to the participant no later than the last date of analysis. Last date of analysis can be found in the instructions for use included in the shipment or at Equalis Online. If your test material arrives after the last date of analysis, please report the late delivery by filling in this form.
Termination of participation (Not for participants registered through a distributor)
If you participate through a distributor (DEKS, Noklus, Aurevia etc) please contact the distributor instead.
You can terminate your participation at any time during the year. By terminating your participation in one or several EQA schemes, you will no longer have access to your old reports for the terminated EQA schemes. Therefore, we recommend you to download your reports of interest before termination. Please note that any amount invoiced in advance will not be refunded.
Order courier service for delivery of EQA samples (Not for participants registered through a distributor)
If you participate through a distributor (DEKS, Noklus, Aurevia etc) please contact the distributor instead.
Fill in this form to order delivery of your EQA samples by courier service instead of regular mail.
Please note the additional cost for shipping by courier service in our price list.
Other questions
Can't find a form above that was suitable for your request and can't find the answer to your question in our FAQ?
Contact Equalis by filling in this form. You can expect a response within 3-4 working days.