Introduction for new participants
Introduction for new participants
This is a brief description of how your participation works. More detailed information and complete terms and conditions can be found on our website ( under the sub menu For participants.
Equalis Online
The web application Equalis Online is central to your participation, it is used for result registration and retrieval of reports. You are also able to self-administer both method and contact details there. Equalis Online is accessed from the website and the Log in menu in the upper right corner.
Your personal login details (username and password) will be sent in a separate email to the contact person specified in the subscription.
More information about Equalis Online, such as user manual and instructional videos are available at the website under the sub-menu About Equalis Online
Which EQA schemes are you participating in?
At Equalis Online under the sub menu “Your participation” there is a list of all the EQA schemes from Equalis your laboratory participates in. To apply for participation in additional schemes arranged by Equalis, please visit Equalis’s website for more information about the internationally available schemes and how to participate.
Shipping options
Depending on the EQA scheme and the stability of the test material, shipping is made by first-class priority mail or via Fedex. If you experience problems with first-class priority mail not arriving in time, you may order delivery with a courier for an extra annual fee. Courier service is ordered by filling out the web form Order courier service for EQA samples.
Receipt of test materials
The test material is sent according to Equalis’s distribution schedule, the date for “Round opens” usually coincides with dispatch date from Equalis. Delivery should be expected in between the dates for “round opens” and “last date of analysis”. It is important that the test material is immediately taken care of upon arrival and according to the information given in the accompanying instructions. Notify us if the shipment arrives after the last day of analysis or if you are missing a shipment. You do this by filling out this form Report late delivery of test material.
Instructions for use
With every shipment, scheme-specific information is provided. The same instruction is also available on Equalis Online when the round is open. Read it carefully before analysis!
Analysis of test materials
The test material must be analysed no later than the date specified in the instructions for use (last date for analysis). Compare the labelling on the test material with the information given in the instructions and pay careful attention that you are analysing the correct test material.
Result registration
Participants register their results via Equalis Online no later than the date (closing date) specified in the instructions for use. When reporting results for the first time the applicable method information such as, output group, instrument, reagent etc. should be selected. If none of the predefined options for method information are appropriate, the option “Other” may be selected and the corresponding method information is typed into the comment field. Which method details that are requested may differ between the EQA schemes. Review your method details each time you register results and adjust if necessary. Correct method information is a prerequisite for reliable result comparisons.
Result reports
Result reports are downloaded from Equalis Online. You are notified by an e-mail when the reports are available. As a participant in an Equalis external quality assessment scheme, you are responsible for assessing your own results, and for taking appropriate actions if necessary. Participants who report deviating results are not normally contacted by Equalis directly.
Lab code/client code at Equalis
Your lab code is required for all communication with Equalis and corresponds to the numbers in the username for Equalis Online, it can also be found in the upper right corner of the individual results report or on the address label of the shipment.
Self administration of your participation
When a round is open it is possible to change personal contact details and method details directly on Equalis Online. On Equalis’s public website, in sub-menu Participant administration, you will find a number of forms for additional administration of your participation, for example change/add contact person or recipient of test material, add/remove instruments and/or components from your response form, order extra test material or terminate your participation. Some of these administrative forms are also accessible from Equalis Online and the sub-menu “Support and help”.
You will receive a separate email with information about Equalis’s invoicing routines and company details.
Contact and questions
Introduction for new participants registered through a distributor or Aurevia
This is a brief description of how participation in Equalis’s EQA scheme works. For more detailed information and complete terms and conditions, please contact your local distributor or Aurevia.
Equalis Online
The web application Equalis Online is central to your participation, it is used for result registration and retrieval of report. You are also able to self-administer both method and contact details there. Equalis Online is accessed from Equalis website and the Log in menu in the upper right corner.
Personal login details (username and password) will be sent in a separate email to the contact person specified in the registration.
More information about Equalis Online, such as user manual and instructional videos are available at the website under the sub-menu About Equalis Online
Which EQA schemes are you participating in?
At Equalis Online under the sub-menu “Your participation” there is a list of all the EQA schemes from Equalis your laboratory participates in. To apply for participation in additional schemes arranged by Equalis, please visit Equalis website for more information about the internationally available schemes and how to participate.
Shipping options
Depending on the EQA scheme and the stability of the test material, shipping is made by first-class priority mail or by courier service. If you experience problems with test materials not arriving in time, please contact your local distributor or Aurevia to discuss an alternative shipping option.
Receipt of test materials
The test material is sent according to Equalis’s distribution schedule, the date for “Round opens” usually coincides with dispatch date from Equalis. Delivery should be expected in between the dates for “round opens” and “last date of analysis”. It is important that the test material is immediately taken care of upon arrival and according to the information given in the accompanying instructions. Notify your local distributor or Aurevia if the shipment arrives after the last day of analysis or if you are missing a shipment.
Instructions for use
With every shipment, scheme specific information is provided. The same instruction is also available on Equalis Online when the round is open. Read it carefully before analysis!
Analysis of test materials
The test material must be analysed no later than the date specified in the instructions for use (last date for analysis). Compare the labelling on the test material with the information given in the instructions and pay careful attention that you are analysing the correct test material.
Result registration
Participants register their results via Equalis Online no later than the date (closing date) specified in the instructions for use. When reporting results for the first time, the applicable method information such as, output group, instrument, reagent etc. should be selected. If none of the predefined options for method information are appropriate, the option “Other” may be selected and the corresponding method information is typed into the comment field. Which method details that are requested may differ between the EQA schemes. Review your method details each time you register results and adjust if necessary. Correct method information is a prerequisite for reliable result comparisons.
Result reports
Result reports are downloaded from Equalis Online. Participants are notified by e-mail when the reports are available. As a participant in an Equalis external quality assessment scheme, you are responsible for assessing your own results, and for taking appropriate actions if necessary. Participants who report deviating results are not normally contacted by Equalis directly.
Lab code/client code at Equalis
Your lab code is required for all communication with Equalis and corresponds to the numbers in the username for Equalis Online, it can also be found in the upper right corner of the individual results report or on the address label of the shipment. Note, if you are registered through a local distributor or Aurevia, you may have an additional client code in their systems, please state both codes in your requests.
Self administration of your participation
When a round is open it is possible to change personal contact details and method details directly on Equalis Online. In the sub-menu “Support and help” you will find forms that can be used to request for additional user accounts, certificate of participation or if you like to add or remove instrument and/or components from your response form.
For any further queries or issues not already covered by this information letter, please contact your local distributor or Aurevia.
Introduction for new participants in Global HPV DNA typing and/or screening proficiency panel
This is a brief description of how your participation works. You will receive more detailed information closer to the dispatch date.
Shipping is made by courier and the transport cost is included in the price of the panel. The samples are shipped at ambient temperature. Dispatch of the panels is planned for September/October this year. If an import permit is required to send samples to you, please send it to us by e-mail to
Instructions for use
With every shipment, instructions for handling of the samples are provided. The same instructions are also available on Equalis website when the rounds open.
Analysis of test materials
The test material must be analysed no later than the date specified in the instructions for use (last date for analysis).
Result registration
Participants register their results via Equalis website. You will find the link to the results registration and the date (closing date) specified in the instructions for use.
Result reports
The International HPV Reference Laboratory in Sweden is organizing this study in collaboration with the Swedish external quality assurance provider Equalis AB, who is responsible for management and distribution. Laboratories that provide data within the required time-frame will receive a copy of their own results and the summary data.
January/February of the year after the panels have been sent out is the planned date for sending the participants´ individual reports and the final report in March/April.
An invoice will be sent to you within 2–3 weeks after we received your application for participation. Due date will be set to 2024-OCT-31. We prefer payment via bank transfer, but if you are unable to do so, you have the option of paying through Pay Pal.
If you have any questions regarding invoices or payment, please contact us via
Contact and questions
Other questions, please contact us by e-mail to