Frequently asked questions
I have a question regarding a specific invoice, where do I send the question?
Send the question to us via our contact form. Select "Invoicing" under area of question in the form. Not applicable for participants who is signed up for schemes arranged by Equalis via a distributor (Noklus, DEKS and Aurevia), please contact the distributor directly.
How do you use my personal contact information?
The information is registered in Equalis system. It is used to handle your participation, and to send information about related business. Read our privacy policy.
External quality assessment
How do I register for a EQA scheme? How do I order a scheme?
Find the scheme of interest on the EQA page of our website. Each scheme has a description page where information on how to make a request to participate is found. For the majority of schemes you can applicate directly from the scheme's information page by clicking "Add application to cart". After adding programs, proceed to the cart (at the top right) and click "Complete application" where you fill in additional information, such as contact details and billing information, before submitting your application. After your application is registered, you will receive more participant information via email.
Can I choose a password myself?
No, not the first password. The password is automatically generated and sent to you by email. Once you are logged in to Equalis Online, you can change the password yourself.
Test material, analysis and registration of results
When do the controls arrive?
The test material is sent out to registered participants according to the dates given in Equalis's distribution schedule, which can be found on our website. The materials are often sent in the beginning of each week. In the event of canceled or postponed rounds, registered participants will be notified by e-mail.
My test material arrived after the last date for analysis, or has not arrived at all. What should I do?
The test material is sent according to the dates given in the distribution schedule. The materials are often sent in the beginning of each week. The shipment is planned with the goal that the test material must be delivered to the participant no later than the last day for analysis. The last day of for analysis is shown in the instructions, that accompany the shipment and are also available on Equalis Online a well as in Equalis's distribution schedule. Report late delivery via our form "Report late delivery of test material" if the test material arrives after the last day of analysis. Before contacting Equalis, please check first with your local internal mail department, if you have one at your unit. NB! If you participate via a distributor, you must contact the distributor directly.
My test material was damaged up on arrival, what can I do?
If the parcel or the test material are damaged up on arrival, please contact us directly by phone +46 18-4903100.